Mungarlu Ngurrarankatja Rirraunkaja (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC

The Birriliburu People have been recognised as exclusive native title holders of about 66,760 sq km in Western Australia’s Little Sandy Desert. The claim was lodged in 1998 and was finally resolved in a consent determination recognising:

  • exclusive native title rights and interests over mainly unallocated Crown land including part of the Canning Stock Route, reserves, a general purpose lease and some mining interests; and
  • non-exclusive native title rights over water, for personal, domestic and non-commercial communal purposes

Mpwerempwer Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Mpwerempwer Aboriginal Corporation is the registered native title body corporate for the consent native title determination in Rex on behalf of the Akwerlpe-Waake, Iliyarne, Lyentyawel Ileparranem and Arrawatyen People v Northern Territory of Australia [2010] FCA 911 (7 September 2010). The determination area covers 2,949 square kilometres of the Singleton pastoral lease area. The native title rights and interests are the rights possessed under, and exercisable in accordance with, the native title holders’ traditional laws and customs, including the right to:

Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC holds in trust the native title rights and interests of Mithaka People of South-Western Queensland. It was formed as an entity in September 2015 in order to finalise the native title claim over Mithaka country - an area west of Windorah in South West Queensland. The Mithaka People’s non-exclusive native title determination over 33,752 square kilometers of country was recognised after a 13 year legal process in October 2015 when consent determination was reached.

Miriuwung and Gajerrong #4 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The Miriuwung and Gajerrong #4 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation, located in Kununurra, administers land on behalf of the Miriuwung-Gajerrong people. Their ownership was recognised in the Miriuwung-Gajerron #4 determination of December 2003.

This determination is one in a series of claims that was negotiated and later litigated through hthe Federal and High Court, culminating in the Ward decision by the High Court.

Miriuwung and Gajerrong #1 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The Miriuwung and Gajerrong #1 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation, located in Kununurra, administers land on behalf of the Miriuwung-Gajerrong people. Their ownership was recognised in the Miriuwung-Gajerrong (Western Australia Area 2) determination of December 2003.

This determination is one in a series of claims that was negotiated and later litigated through the Federal and High Court, culminating in the Ward decision by the High Court.