COVID-19: useful links and resources

Information in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages

A number of linguists are collating COVID or COVID-19 resources in Australian Indigenous languages and in English aimed at Indigenous communities in remote areas.



Posters and other visual resources

Government Covid-19 information

The Department of Health

This website provides current status, symptoms, how to protect yourself and others, advice for people at risk and in the aged care sector, and government responses. The department developed a specific health related Management Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Populations. There are also resources like FAQs, factsheets and posters. More recently a presentation on the impact of COVID-19 in remote and regional settings was added.

Australian Government website

This website provides information about relief packages for employees, families, business, advice for landlords and people renting, alerts, new regulations and new mobile applications to stay informed.

National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)

NIAA provides information such as announcements by the Minister for Indigenous Australians, news and resources. These include information for businesses and providers including for grant recipients and for individuals including on protecting of yourself and others, on the CDP scheme, and about health and support services.

Western Australian Government Pilbara

The WA Government has published the website recov19er with specific information for the Pilbara and greater region for traditional owner groups and communities. It contains news, links resources such as notes of weekly teleconferences between agencies and organisations to update on developments.

Other agencies' COVID-19 websites

Australian Indigenous Doctors' Association (AIDA)

This site provides health response plans, support services, Infection control information for healthcare workers, and COVID-19 training (requires free registration).

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (NACCHO)

NACCHO provides updates, resources (Medicine and Pharmacy, Stop the spread, COVID-19 Advisory group communiques).

Workplace information

Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)

ORIC provides information on temporary provisions to support corporations and their governance such as annual reporting, holding and passing resolutions, using technology for meetings and communication, and other useful information on employment issues, relief for financially distressed business.

The Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA)

ICDA produced guidance on a COVID safe workplace including a guide book.

Indigenous Business Australia (IBA)

IBA has teamed up with Terry Janke & Company and 33 Creative to produce four videos on managing your business during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics include employer obligations, financial responsibilities, managing contracts and insolvency trading.

PBC Website

The PBC website provides technical solutions for working within COVID restrictions and practical help in setting up Zoom meetings.


WA Lotterywest

Lotterywest has announced a $159 million COVID-19 Relief Fund to respond to hardship.

Philanthropy Australia and Australian Communities Foundation (ACF) COVID-19 funding

Philanthropy Australia and ACF created a National Funding Portal where charities can register their funding needs and philanthropic funders can connect with the funding opportunities available to tackle COVID-19.

Funding Centre and Our Community

Assistance for organisations affected by COVID-19 in the non-for-profit sector, further tips on saving the sector and how to survive, reinvent and be sustainable and on fundraising in the era of COVID-19.

Impact on native title proceedings

A recent court case has held that applications to adjourn a court hearing because of COVID-19 restrictions may be acceptable. The decision also provides guidance on acceptable forms of tele/video conferencing.