Irrwanyere Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

In 2008, Justice Lander made a consent determination recognising the native title rights of the Wangkangurru/Yarluyandi claim groups. The determination recognised non-exclusive native title rights and interests in the 7770sq km of the Witjira National Park and a commercial lease at Mt Dare. This was the first determination over a South Australian national park and resolves four claims over the Witjira National Park: the Irrwanyere Mt Dare claim (2005), and park overlap areas of two Eringa claims (1996 and 1999) and a Wangkangurru/ Yarluyandi claim (1997).

Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated on the 16 December 2011 and administers land on behalf of the Gawler Ranges People. They were first recognised in the McNamara/Gawler Ranges People determination that was handed down on 19 December 2011. The Gawler Ranges native title consent determination recognises the non-exclusive native title rights to access, hunt, fish, camp gather and use the natural resources, undertake cultural activities, conduct ceremonies and meetings, and protect places of cultural and religious significance.

Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land on behalf of the Far West Coast Native Title Claim Group, which includes the Mirning people, the Wirangu people, the Kokatha people, the Maralinga Tjarutja people, the Yalata people and the descendants of Edward/Ted Roberts, with the Court recognising that many members were affiliated with more than one group. Their native title rights and interests were first recognised in the Far West Coast native title determinations of 2013.

De Rose Hill - Ilpalka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The De Rose Hill – Ipalka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land on behalf of the Nguraritja people of the Western Desert in north-west South Australia. Their ownership over the land was recognised in the De Rose Hill native title determination of 2005. This determination arose from a native title claim filed in 1994 by 12 people on behalf of the Nguraritja over three pastoral leases known as De Rose Hill station. De Rose Hill is adjacent to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Aboriginal freehold lands in the far north west of South Australia. 

Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land and waters on behalf of the Arabana People. The Arabana People’s ownership was recognised in the Dodd v State of South Australia determination. The consent determination concerned the Native Title Determination Application filed by the applicants on 16 January 1998. The consent determination recognises native title rights and interests over an area located in the central north of South Australia, covering approximately 68,823 square kilometres.

Antakirinja Matu - Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

The Antakirinja Matu – Yankunytjatjara claim was first lodged on 14 November 1995 in relation to lands and waters in northern South Australia. The native title claim was resolved the 11 May 2011 at a Federal Court Hearing in Coober Pedy, Justice John Mansfield made a consent determination recognising the Antakirinja Matu – Yankunytjatjara People’s non-exclusive native title rights and interest to that area.