De Rose Hill - Ilpalka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

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The De Rose Hill – Ipalka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land on behalf of the Nguraritja people of the Western Desert in north-west South Australia. Their ownership over the land was recognised in the De Rose Hill native title determination of 2005. This determination arose from a native title claim filed in 1994 by 12 people on behalf of the Nguraritja over three pastoral leases known as De Rose Hill station. De Rose Hill is adjacent to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Aboriginal freehold lands in the far north west of South Australia. 

At trial, the Nguraritja people were found not to possess native title because they lacked sufficient connection to the claimed land. On appeal, however, that decision was overturned as the Full Federal Court of Australia held that the wrong test for connection had been applied at trial. They held that the trial judge had placed too much importance upon the claimant’s physical absence from the area as it had been caused by their need to seek work and due to pastoralists’ active attempts to exclude them from their traditional lands through intimidation. In 2013 a confidential compensation settlement was reached regarding loss of land and damage to sacred sites before native title was granted in 2005. 

Type of RNTBC
Contact name
Thomas Jenkin
Contact number
08 8110 2800
Postal address
C/- South Australian Native Title Services Ltd Level 4, 345 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
Office address
C/- South Australian Native Title Services Ltd, Level 6, 27 Currie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000
PBC size
Date of incorporation
Date of registration
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number)
PBC activity feed

A confidential compensation settlement has been reached with an Indigenous group in South Australia's far north-west over native title.

A group of Aboriginal claimants has been granted Native Title over parts of a cattle station in South Australia's remote far north-west.

A South Australian Indigenous group has successfully proved its continuous spiritual and physical connection to a far north-west pastoral lease today after the Federal Court made its first finding of native title in the state's history. 

Determination outcomes

Name FC name Tribunal number Determined outcome Area