Land and sea management

Fee for Service in Indigenous Land and Sea Management: Impact Assessment and Analysis

This evaluation report identifies experiences, motivations, supporting mechanisms, barriers and impacts of fee-for-service commercial activities undertaken by Indigenous Land and Water Management (ILWM) organisations. The report draws on a literature review, interviews with ILWM organisations, administrative data, in-depth case studies, and online survey data.

Barni-Wardimantha Awara (Don’t Spoil the Country) – Yanyuwa Sea Country Plan

The Yanyuwa people of the south-west Gulf of Carpentaria, have developed the Yanyuwa Sea Country Plan to explain the relationship between Yanyuwa people and our Sea Country; explain Yanyuwa people's concerns about current and future management of our Sea Country; set out objectives, strategies and actions to address Yanyuwa concerns and aspirations about sea country management; and propose options for working with government agencies, industry and other stakeholders to achieve our objectives, strategies and actions.