Commercial development

Native Nations Institute

NNI assists in building capable Native nations that can effectively pursue and ultimately realize their own political, economic, and community development objectives. NNI provides Native nations and other policy makers with accessible research and policy analysis of governance and development in Indian Country and with comprehensive, professional training and development programs designed to meet the needs of Indigenous leadership and management.

This Institute is based at the University of Arizona.

Free Management Library

The Free Management Library provides free, easy-to-access, online articles to develop yourself, other individuals, groups and organizations (whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit). Over the past 15 years, the Library has grown to be one of the world's largest well-organized collections of these types of articles and resources.

Enabling Prosperity: Success Factors for Indigenous Economic Development

Westpac commissioned Urbis to undertake research to understand the key drivers of economic development for Indigenous Australians. The aim of the research was to provide an evidence-base analysis of factors that support entrepreneurship and economic development, building on Australian and international literature and research.

The overarching research question was: What factors lead to successful economic development and job creation in Indigenous communities?

The Far West Coast Experience

The Far West Coast journey from Applicant through to Consent Determination and holding Native Title has been an exciting one. There have been considerable challenges and we have faced many obstacles. Along the way we have also learnt many valuable lessons, not the least that we needed even more change and further development once Native Title was granted and we began a new life as a PBC.

Commercial opportunities from Native Title: The Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara peoples' journey to economic benefit

The Coober Pedy region of South Australia is the traditional country of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara people. The Native Title journey of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara people started in 1995 when their claim commenced. After achieving Native Title determination, successfully negotiating a number of ILUAs and winning their first major commercial contract, their journey continues today.