
Ethics workshop

An Ethics Workshop will be held for PBCs and Traditional Owners to be aware of best practice ethical research standards that should be used by researchers when working with Traditional Owners.

The workshop will introduce you to the themes and principles outlined in AIATSIS’s Guidelines for Ethical Research in Australian Indigenous Studies (GERAIS). Examples and case studies will help you understand how and why the GERAIS principles should be the minimum standards applied to any research on your land and sea country.

Karajarri: A West Kimberley Experience in Managing Native Title

In 2002 and 2004 Karajarri had their native title rights and interests recognised to over 31,000 square kilometres of land in the West Kimberley, south of Broome. This is an area about half the size of Tasmania. Here there are pastoral stations, mining interests, coastal and desert lands, and the large Aboriginal community of Bidyadanga. Karajarri had one of the first native title determinations to be recognised in the Kimberley and had the first native title application in which applicants were represented exclusively by the Kimberley Land Council.

Aboriginal assets? the impact of major agreements associated with native title in Western Australia

This report, conducted for the Department of Regional Development, addresses the question of how effective agreements arising from native title determinations are at meeting the needs and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples who have achieved, or are pursuing (through registered native title claims), legal recognition as native title holders.

National Native Title Tribunal

PBCs can request general assistance from the NNTT in relation to things like mapping, Register searches and negotiating ILUAs or future act agreements.

In particular, the s 60AAA amendment to the NTA allows PBCs and common law holders to request the NNTT to provide assistance in promoting agreement about matters relating to native title or the operation of the NTA. This includes NNTT assistance in the resolution of native title PBC disputes.