Guwa-Koa Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
The Guwa-Koa Aboriginal Corporation (GKAC) was established to hold and manage the native title rights and interests of the Koa People. On 6 October 2021, we were formally recognised as Native Title Holders over about 8,678 square kilometers of our traditional land and waters in Queensland’s north-west region. The native title determination area lies in the upper Diamantina River catchment area and includes the towns of Winton, Kynuna, Corfield and Middleton. The significance of achieving native title provides justice for our ancestors who were removed from their birth land.
Mulligan River Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
The Mulligan River Aboriginal Corporation acts as a trustee for the native title rights and interests of the Wangkamahdla People of western Queensland. In July 2021, native title was recognised for the Wangkamahdla People from the Toko Range in the north to the north-eastern corner of the Munga-Thirri National Park. Exclusive native title was also recognised over one-fifth of Munga-Thirri National Park, the Park in total spanning 10,000 square kilometres. The total area of the Wangkamahdla People determination is approximately 29,000 square kilometres.
Warrgamay Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
The Warrgamay Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC acts as a trustee for the Warrgamay people in the Herbert River Valley in North Queensland. The native title rights and interests of the Warrgamay people were recognised in the Warrgamay People determination in 2021.