Mpwerempwer Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Mpwerempwer Aboriginal Corporation is the registered native title body corporate for the consent native title determination in Rex on behalf of the Akwerlpe-Waake, Iliyarne, Lyentyawel Ileparranem and Arrawatyen People v Northern Territory of Australia [2010] FCA 911 (7 September 2010). The determination area covers 2,949 square kilometres of the Singleton pastoral lease area. The native title rights and interests are the rights possessed under, and exercisable in accordance with, the native title holders’ traditional laws and customs, including the right to:

Kwaty Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Kwaty Aboriginal Corporation administers land on behalf of the Kwaty and Tywerl landholding groups. Their ownership over the land was recognised in the Aileron (Nolan’s Bore) native title determination of April 2017. The claim was heard together with the Aileron Pastoral Lease claim made by the Alhankerr, Atwl/Alkwepetye, Ilkewarn, Kwaty, Mpweringke, Ntyerlkem/Urapentye and Tywerl landholding groups, for which Irretyepwenty Ywentent Pwert Aboriginal Corporation was nominated as the prescribed body corporate.