PDF fact sheet of Gunditjmara native title rights
Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
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Native title does not exist
Native title exists (exclusive)
Native title exists (non-exclusive)
Native title extinguished
ILUA registered
ILUA in notification
ILUA notification ended
ILUA subject to objection (not withdrawn) and/or adverse material
Future Act notices current
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The Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land on behalf of the Gunditjmara people. The Gunditjmara’s ownership of the land was recognised in the Gunditjmara determination of March 2007.
This determination arose from two native title claims made in August 1996 and June 2006 respectively. These claims included Crown land and waters, including state forests, national parks, recreational reserves, river frontages and coastal foreshores.
From 2002-2005 the National Native Title Tribunal convened the negotiations between the claimants and the 170 different respondents. The Victorian Government and the Gunditjmara were unable to reach agreement about the necessary connection to the land. In July 2005, a conference of experts was held to prepare evidence to try this issue in the Federal Court. After their report was released in November, an in-principle resolution was achieved within three months, removing the need to go to trial.
By November 2006, all parties agreed to recognise Gunditjmara native title rights to:
visit and temporarily reside on the land and waters;
the use and enjoyment of the land and waters, as well as their resources, for domestic and ordinary use; and
protect places and areas of importance on the land and waters.
This agreement was affirmed and approved by the Federal Court in March 2007. In his decision, Justice North recognised that the Gunditjmara have 'won their battle to cement their place in this country and in history'. In this case, there was a dispute regarding some area subject to the original application, this smaller area of dispute was called Part B, and was dealt with in 2011. On 27 July 2011, North J recognised the Gunditjmara people’s native title rights and interests in parts of the Part B area.
In addition to these determinations, the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC also administers an Indigenous Land Use Agreement made with the Victorian Government. This agreement outlines what future actions may take place upon the claim area and how the ecology will be managed.
Type of RNTBC |
Contact name |
Roslyn Styche
Contact number |
03 5527 1427
Postal address |
PO Box 216, HEYWOOD VIC 3304
Office address |
248 Condah Estate Road, Breakaway Creek VIC 3303
PBC size |
Region |
Date of incorporation |
Date of registration |
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) |
PBC link |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma, today congratulated the Gunditjmara people of western Victoria for securing recognition of their native title rights and interests.
"It's important for people all over Australia and in particularly the southern states to show we still have our relationships to the land have survived the last 200 years and survived in such a unique cultural shape that you can't determine against it.
Lake Condah, in Victoria's south-west, will be officially handed back to an Aboriginal group on Sunday.
Determination outcomes
Name | FC name | Tribunal number | Determined outcome | Area |