For the first time in the State’s history, Traditional Owners in Victoria have been allocated water ownership in a river system. VIC Water Minister Lisa Neville has granted two gigalitres of Mitchell River water to Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC).
Gunaikurnai Land & Waters Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
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The Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) was established in 2007 to prepare for the historic settlement between the Gunaikurnai people and the State of Victoria.
That settlement was recognised in the Gunai/Kurnai consent determination. It was the first settlement reached under the new Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework over a significant area of the Gippsland region. The Framework enables claimants to exercise non-exclusive native title rights and interests, such as the right to hunt and fish. The determination settles a claim made 13 years ago by the Gunaikurnai peoples to have their rights as the traditional owners of the land recognised. The Federal and Victorian Governments both contributed $6 million to develop the $12 million settlement package.
The GLaWAC is the prescribed body corporate for the Gunaikurnai people and claim area, as outlined in the original agreement, providing joint management of fourteen parks and reserves within Victoria.
Type of RNTBC |
Contact name |
Daniel Miller
Contact number |
03 5152 5100
Postal address |
27 Scriveners Road, KALIMNA WEST VIC 3909
Office address |
27 Scriveners Road, KALIMNA WEST VIC 3909
PBC size |
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ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) |
PBC link |
Water ownership in a river system will be made available to Traditional Owners for the first time in the state’s history thanks to the Victorian Government.
In a significant step recognising Traditional Owners’ deep connection to water – the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) will receive two gigalitres of unallocated water in the Mitchell River.
GIPPSLAND'S Gunaikurnai Aboriginal people have been granted native title over land stretching from Warragul to the Snowy River - more than a decade after their claim was launched.
The consent determination is the first settlement reached under the new Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework and allows the Gunaikurnai people to exercise non-exclusive native title rights and interests, such as the right to hunt and fish, over a significant part of the Gippsland region.
Determination outcomes
Name | FC name | Tribunal number | Determined outcome | Area |