Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

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Native title does not exist

Native title exists (exclusive)

Native title exists (non-exclusive)

Native title extinguished

ILUA registered

ILUA in notification

ILUA notification ended

ILUA subject to objection (not withdrawn) and/or adverse material

Future Act notices current

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The Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated on the 16 December 2011 and administers land on behalf of the Gawler Ranges People. They were first recognised in the McNamara/Gawler Ranges People determination that was handed down on 19 December 2011. The Gawler Ranges native title consent determination recognises the non-exclusive native title rights to access, hunt, fish, camp gather and use the natural resources, undertake cultural activities, conduct ceremonies and meetings, and protect places of cultural and religious significance.

The determination arose from a native title claim first lodged in 1997 over an area of approximately 34,000 square kilometres in the Gawler Ranges area and Lake Gardiner National Park in South Australia. 

The Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation also administer the Gawler Ranges Rangers program, which focuses on managing land activities on 758,900 hectares within the native title area. The area includes many significant sites such as Gawler Ranges National Park, Lake Gairdner National Park and Lake Gillies Conservation Reserve and some thirty leases. 

Type of RNTBC
Contact name
Tamika Reid
Contact number
08 8641 9300
Postal address
C/- Rowe Partners, PO Box 2247, Port Augusta SA 5700
Office address
C/- Rowe Partners, 8 Church Street, Port Augusta SA 5700
PBC size
Date of incorporation
Date of registration
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number)
PBC activity feed

"For the first time Aboriginal people from the Gawler Ranges will have a say about their country and in particular, the national parks in the area and we now have three Aboriginal rangers in the Gawler Ranges National Park and this will only improve the way these parks are managed," he said.

"It is a very important occasion first for the Gawler Ranges people, because it represents a recognition by all of the Australian people of something they have always known: that they are the people of this country," he said.

The rights of the Gawler Ranges people to live on their land and maintain their cultural traditions were cemented today with the Federal Court’s recognition of the Gawler Ranges native title rights.

Determination outcomes

Name FC name Tribunal number Determined outcome Area