Wakka Wakka Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
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As Wakka Wakka People, we are the traditional custodians of the upper and central Burnett River region including the towns of Gayndah, Mundubbera and Eidsvold in the north, through to Murgon, Cherbourg, Kingaroy and Nanango in the south.
On 12 April 2022, we were formally recognised as Native Title Holders over approximately 1.178 sq km of our traditional land and waters, encircled by an external boundary covering around 11,600 sq km, in two Determination Areas. The Determination Areas include hundreds of land parcels spanning from the vicinity of Paradise Dam in the north to the Bunya Mountains National Park in the south.
The Wakka Wakka Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (WWNTAC) was established in 2018 to hold and manage the native title rights and interests of the Wakka Wakka People. On 12 April 2022, WWNTAC was formally determined by the Federal Court to be the trustee prescribed body corporate (PBC) for the Wakka Wakka native title holders. WWNTAC represents, and is responsible to, all the Wakka Wakka People as Native Title Holders for the native title Determination Areas
Contact name |
Anita Leedie
Contact number |
0468 928 176
Postal address |
Office address |
6/16 Andrews Close, PORT DOUGLAS QLD 4877
PBC size |
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Date of registration |
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) |
PBC link |
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Determination outcomes
Name | FC name | Tribunal number | Determined outcome | Area |