Barra Parrapi (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC
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The Barra Parrapi (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC holds the native title in trust for the native title holders.
Prior to the proceeding on 29 November 2021, the parties had reached an agreement to the terms of a determination of native title, making the Nangaanya-ku Application. The lands and waters subject to the Nangaanya-ku Application intersected by mining leases M39/139 and M39/1096; no determination was made over that land.
The determination was made over approximately 40,700 square kilometres of land and waters in the southern portion of the Great Victorian Desert in Western Australia. The area contains a series of salt lakes. The sand plan country covering the rest of the determination area is predominantly vegetated by mulga with occasional rocky outcrops and escarpments. There are three nature reserves, but otherwise the determination area is almost entirely unallocated Crown land.
Type of RNTBC |
Contact name |
Kiri Milne
Contact number |
Postal address |
76 Wittenoom Street, EAST PERTH WA 6004
Office address |
76 Wittenoom Street, EAST PERTH WA 6004
PBC size |
Region |
Date of registration |
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) |
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Determination outcomes
Name | FC name | Tribunal number | Determined outcome | Area |