Youth engagement in native title project

News / Event start date

AIATSIS is looking to work with young Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people involved in native title.

Are you a native title claimant, holder, PBC member or director, ranger or involved in native title in another way? Are you not involved, but want to be?

The research team is hoping to connect and interview young people to get their views on the challenges and opportunities they face in native title, such as how their experiences differ from those of their Elders and other community leaders. These interviews will be approximately one hour and can be done over the phone, Skype or in person.

By telling these stories, it is hoped that PBCs, NTRBs and other organisations will be better able to support young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whom are, or may want to become involved, in native title.

If you’re 18–35 years old and interested in participating, contact: 

Stacey Little
(02) 6261 4227
Download the Youth engagement in native title project flyer (PDF, 754KB)