Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation

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Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (KNAC) is the Native Title representative group for the Nyiyaparli People with approximately 400 current members.

The Nyiyaparli People are the Traditional Owners of approximately 36,684 square kilometres of land and waters in the east Pilbara region, including the township of Newman, Western Australia.

It was an almost 20-year long journey for the Nyiyaparli people to achieving native title recognition, with the first initial claim (WAD 6280 of 1998) lodged with the National Native Title Tribunal on 29 September 1998. The court hearing saw representatives from the Federal Court, State and Federal government, and Traditional Owners come together to witness the historic occasion.

The Determination Area covers approximately 40,000 square kilometres of Nyiyaparli traditional country and encompasses the town of Newman, the Aboriginal communities of Jigalong and Parnpajinya, several pastoral leases and significant mining operations.

While all Country is important to the Nyiyaparli people, areas of particular cultural and environmental significance within the Determination Area include: the Fortescue Marsh, Weeli Wolli Creek, Coondiner Creek, Caramulla Creek and Savoury Creek. Parts of the Hamersley, Chichester and Opthalmia Ranges and the Fortescue and Oakover Rivers are also major features of the area.

Within this Determination Area are places of particular significance to the Nyiyaparli people, including ceremonial sites, songlines, permanent pools and natural resources.

Type of RNTBC
Contact name
Jonathon Rowland
Contact number
08 9140 2755
Postal address
Office address
8 Byass Street, SOUTH HEDLAND WA 6722
PBC size
Date of incorporation
Date of registration
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number)
PBC activity feed

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Determination outcomes

Name FC name Tribunal number Determined outcome Area